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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 23 - June 10, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking a consulting firm for the project below. Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in category 211 Highway Design – Major Facility. A PDF (2Mb maximum size) of the response must be emailed to Proposal responses are limited to six pages; the subject line of the reply email and the PDF file name must read “US-77 Pavement Replacement_FIRM NAME.” The proposal is required and must be received by 12:00 p.m. June 25, 2021 for the consulting firm to be considered.

If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a proposal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is qualified for each specified category listed in this notice for the project. Firms may use the KDOT prequalification form to provide this documentation. Forms and KDOT 1050 Prequalification category definitions (Blue Book) can be found at All firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at the time of contracting and must comply with applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.

Background and Scope of Project

The US-77 Pavement Replacement project in Cowley County has been identified in the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program Expansion Delivery Pipeline. This project is scheduled for letting in FY 2024 (July 2023 – June 2024). KDOT intends to select the most highly qualified firm to perform professional services associated with the design of this heavy preservation project. A project summary is provided in Table 1.

The following items are available upon request by contacting David Lutgen, P.E. at

  • US-77 as-built plans
  • 222nd Road partial cloverleaf interchange progress plans (Shelved at PLNTE)
  • Discovery phase report (2015)
  • Screening study (2021)

Table 1: US-77 Pavement Replacement
Project Number Route and Scope Length Project Termini
077-018 KA-4137-01 US-77 Cowley County Pavement Replacement 8.75 mi US-77 from Skyline Road in Arkansas City to Walnut River Bridge in Winfield
Structures Structure Scope BR# Structure Size (Type)
SB bridge over BNSF Railroad Redecking Br No. 77-18-14.52 60'-80'-60' Steel Welded Plate Girder, Continuous

KDOT is seeking consultant services to prepare construction drawings for the US-77 Pavement Replacement project in Cowley County. The designer shall provide design and plans for horizontal and vertical alignments for mainline, access roads and entrance locations. An offset alignment of US-77 to account for a future partial cloverleaf interchange, located at 222nd Road, will be included in the design. The interchange ramps and bridge span structure for the partial cloverleaf will not be included with the project, however, necessary environmental channel mitigations and RCB culvert extensions/additions associated with the interchange will be included. Also, the consultant will realign D Street to provide better access for truck traffic accessing Strother Field Airport from the south. A relocation of the at-grade railroad spur crossing will be required, as well as the installation of stabilized pull-out shoulders per KDOT Road Design Manual and the closure of 1st Avenue. A new access road to the Strother Field Industrial Park sanitary sewer treatment facility will be required because of the proposed offset alignment and closure of 1st Avenue. This relocation will be within the northeast quadrant of the 222nd Road intersection. The consultant will complete an intersection evaluation at 222nd Road to mitigate major increases in expected number of crashes caused by the 1st Avenue closure. Close coordination with the adjacent 222nd Road bridge replacement project (C 5104-01), located over the BNSF railroad, will be required during design. The scope of the service will also include supplemental survey, culvert extensions and repairs described in past studies and plans, traffic engineering, hydrology/hydraulics, air space clearances for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and permitting assistance. Environmental services will include wetland delineation and permitting, protected species and cultural resources coordination, and Kansas Division of Water Resources floodplain fill and channel change permitting. Stakeholder engagement support activities and development of a PI Plan are anticipated, including a minimum of one public involvement meeting at Strother Field Industrial Park.

The project scope will include the following items:

  • Visit the project site location with IKE PMC project team and KDOT District staff.
  • Provide additional full survey and existing right-of-way survey from Quail Ridge Road to Walnut River Bridge. Supplemental survey will also include an evaluation and updates of the previous survey completed under project 77-18 KA-2215-01, including Bridge No. 77-18-14.52 (0007).
  • Pavement replacement and redecking described in Table 1.
  • Realignment of D Street.
  • Relocation of existing at-grade railroad crossing at Strother Field Industrial Park, including stabilized pull-out shoulders and removal of 1st Avenue at Strother Field.
  • Relocation Sanitary Sewer Treatment Facility Access Road.
  • Recommendation and design of intersection improvements at 222nd Road to accommodate additional traffic from Strother Field Industrial Park, after closure of 1st Avenue near the at-grade railroad spur crossing.
  • Perform preliminary design for plans to Materials and Research, scheduled for December 2021.
  • Perform preliminary design for plans to Field Check, scheduled for September 2022.
  • Develop final plans, scheduled for KDOT fiscal year 2024.
  • Provide construction cost estimates bi-annually as well as at every major project milestone.
  • Provide electronic plan files compliant with KDOT Graphic Standards Manual, including CAD conformance checks and ControlCAD indexed DGN files with ProjectWise attributes.

Special Conditions


This project is being managed by a Project Manager Consultant (PMC) on behalf of KDOT. The PMC will be the primary contact for the selected firm. The PMC will not be on the KDOT Consultant Selection Committee.

Schedule Reporting

Project schedules will be developed during project negotiation. A basic schedule template, prepared by the PMC, will be reviewed and specific dates will be defined by the consultant to achieve the critical milestones. Monthly schedule progress reports and updates will be required throughout the project from the consultants and reviewed with the PMC to track progress for KDOT.

Quality Control

Consultants will be required to provide a Quality Control (QC) plan at project kick-off. QC audits will be conducted by the PMC throughout the project. The audits will check compliance with the consultant’s QC plan.


This project is scheduled for letting in FY 2024 (July 2023 – June 2024). Therefore, the design activities must be scheduled to deliver complete plans between December 2023 and March 2024. This project may follow an accelerated delivery schedule with some of the submittals required earlier than a typical KDOT design project to meet letting requirements.

Instructions for Proposal

The main text of the consultant’s proposal must not exceed Six (6) pages (not including the cover letter) to address the topics listed in Table 2 below. The following outline is the expected submittal organization, content, and page length for the technical proposals. Duplication of content in technical proposals is expected.

Table 2: Proposal Content and Evaluation Factors
Content Pages
Cover Letter 1 page
  • Qualifications and Experience
    • Project manager for the project
    • Names, qualifications, education, training, and expertise of proposed team members
  • Past performance on similar projects, including references and contact information
  • Delivery Process
    • Approach to schedule
    • Approach to quality control
4 pages
Project Approach Highlight concepts for cost-effective and optimized solutions for the project. Include unique qualifications or experience that may inform the selection of firms. 1-2 pages

Selection Process

KDOT intends to select the most highly qualified firms to perform professional services associated with the design of this project.

No cost or pricing information shall be submitted with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pricing information will not be considered in the selection process to rank proposals.

Per standard KDOT consultant selection process, consultant will be selected from the technical proposal submitted for the project. Technical proposals will be evaluated based on the factors listed in Table 3 below to select the most qualified firms. All evaluation factors are weighted equally.

Table 3: Evaluation Factors
Evaluation Factor
Qualifications and Experience
Past Performance
Delivery Process: Approach to Schedule
Delivery Process: Approach to Quality Control
Project Approach: Unique Qualifications and Solutions
Familiarity with KDOT Design Standards and Project Area

The selected firm will be asked to enter negotiations with KDOT for an agreement. Negotiations will proceed quickly through scoping, manhour/fee negotiation, and NTP. In the event KDOT cannot reach agreement with the selected firm, it will terminate negotiations and commence negotiations with the next highest ranked firm, and so on, until either agreement is reached for a satisfactory scope of services for a fair and reasonable price, or KDOT decides to pursue other alternatives.

Contract Terms and Conditions

A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and technical services will be used for this project. Special Attachments for the Kansas “Tax Clearance Certificate,” the “Certification of Final Indirect Costs,” and the Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”) will need to be provided by the selected consultant with the signed work order following negotiations.

The firm’s accounting systems must have the following capabilities before the firm may be awarded a contract.

  • Valid, reliable, and current costs must be available within the system to support actual costs and pricing data
  • Capability to provide a means of measuring the reasonableness of incurred costs
  • Capability to identify and accumulate allowable costs by contract or project records which will reconcile with the general ledger
  • Ability to provide supporting documentation of actual expenditures for each billing, based on costs

Questions shall be sent by email to KDOT at

Kris Norton, P.E., PMC Coordinating Engineer
Division of Program and Project Management

Doc. No. 049202